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By    EMANUELA CLARI                                                          Wednesday, 30 September 2020

The splendid and energetic Anna Matus and Gabriele Goffredo are seeking and achieving perfection every single time they enter the dance floor! A Unique couple of Gladiators, as they rightly nickname themselves, that without any doubts masters in Dancesport.


Anna Matus, from Moldova, and Gabriele Goffredo, from Italy, have been proclaimed five times World Champions in DanceSport. One of the most complex sport where dancing is mainly required, but not only!! In fact, Dancesport is more than professionally and perfectly (just) "dancing".


On the contrary DanceSport is about being highly well trained athletes for the exhausting performances, great actors for the interpretation of the music, the lyrics and the story to be told, it is about being determined for the seek of glory in a very competitive atmosphere, being skilled with snappy moves and micro done-on-purpose touches both with very fast rhythms and with the slowest melodies ever heard. And of course it is about giving true emotions to the enthusiastic and demanding audience.


To transmit real strong emotions and to let the spectators be with the performing Artists on the dance floor, it can't be taken for granted and it can't be considered as something easy to deliver either; especially if thinking that the dancers are dealing with very sever dance-rules to be respected not to receive penalties and not to miss the craved gold.


The talented Anna Matus and Gabriele Goffredo are more than professional dance-sport athletes, they are also inspiring people. A great example to look at.


Their determination, their positive attitude, their stubbornness and of course their passion and heart have conquered


When they perform it is so clear that it is not only about talent, there is something more. Among all the other couples, no matter what, they always distinguish themselves.


They really are like Gladiators. They are fearless and bold and aiming to achieve more than a social first place, a golden medal, a golden cup or a rich price. They show more than that. They perform to perform well. To give their best. To gain with all their strength and passion their inner first place they know to be worthy of.


It's not just a competition. It is their expression, their essence. And honestly, they express themselves magnificently. They have, not only, a story to tell, but also, they are the perfect storytellers.


With and from their lives, off stage and on stage, it could be ideal to realize a movie or maybe better a TV-series since their rapid evolution and improvement have much more to show day by day.  A TV series that could be called: The Gladiators.


Moreover they tangibly show to be always motivated to do better and to be better. They never give up! 

What a marvelous inspiration for past, present and future generation.


Being also a couple in life adds to all the qualities mentioned above a unique magic touch that comes alive in every single performance they hold.


Such Art they create while dancing is an Art, that unfortunately is rarely shown on TV to big audiences, but it is reserved to dance-sport insiders. And that is such a pity. We assist, on TV, most of the time to football matches,  tennis tournaments and here and there to some ice-skating competitions and athletics games. But on TV the DanceSport discipline is present only through annual entertaining shows where many true excellences are put aside or not considered at all.  


Who said that the TV audience can't have the right and does not have the desire to watch and to be inspired by more quality and more talent? Who decided that the Champions should be left only to perform for excellent circuses, like the Monte Carlo International Circus, stadiums, arenas or ball rooms known only by who's fond of DanceSport?


Who is the ultimate judge? And why the present judges are not aware of an extreme need of higher quality on TV? Why not choosing  the Champions for even better shows!! The World is full of Champions and a great example is given by Anna Matus and Gabriele Goffredo.


They, Anna and Gabriele, would share not only their performing skills and talent, but they would certainly gift us of their precious tips on how to achieve, practically, successful results! They could teach us a lot also about time management! Sport Champions are very often masters in time management too!


And of course they could be so helpful in giving advice about a healthy diet, programming daily exercises, how to never give up, how to feel more determined inside and how to achieve grand goals using properly the power of the mind. 


If only it could be possible to have easily access to their secrets on how to become stronger Gladiators also on the Life floor it would be uplifting.


It could be sufficient to give Champions, like Anna Matus and Gabriele Goffredo, the deserved very First Place on channels which could be reached by more people.


Giving the right example and the right inspiration is crucial, it is essential, onto this world where loads of diamonds are locked in distant and elitist dark boxes. Let's open those boxes and give light and space to all the precious stones that are gravitating around the Planet.  


Two gladiators on the dance floor like Anna Matus and Gabriele Goffredo must be enhanced much more! They, and all the millions of Champions like them, sincerely deserve more attention, more space and more awards. Their hard work is actually not rewarded as it should be.


Wishing the splendid Anna Matus and  Gabriele Goffredo the best and more onto the dance floor and in Life will always reserve to inspiring Gladiators like them, a special place onto our pages to keep on inspiring the world with their special determination, positive attitude and Unique talent.


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